
Kako da se obogatite

Kada sam video prvi put naslov knjige How To Get Rich odmah me je podsetio na one "Menadžer za 3 dana" ili "Smanjite guzicu preko noći" knjige. Ali kad sam video ovo, odlučio sam da pročitam knjigu. I nisam pogrešio, odlična je. A evo i odlomka koji me je kupio:

Five homes. Three estates. Fancy cars. Private jets. (The jets are always rented. If it flies, floats or fornicates, always rent it — it’s cheaper in the long run.) Thousands of acres of land. Art on the walls and libraries stuffed with first editions. Bronze statues littering up the garden. Chauffeurs, housekeepers, financial advisers and other personal staff coming out of my rear end. Oh, and thousands of bottles of fine wine in the cellars. Never forget the wine.

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